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नमस्कार दोस्तों आपका हमारे इस ब्लॉग में बहुत बहुत स्वागत है यहाँ पर आपको सभी कोर्स से सम्बंधित जानकारिया मिल जायेंगी

Friday, 28 September 2018


1      At a time you can open as many Word documents as your Taskbar can display (A)True         (B)False

82      "When applying paragraph formatting, the entire paragraph must be selected, prior to applying the formatting."  
(A)True         (B)False

83      By default the Normal view shows 100% to Word document screen.    
(A)True         (B)False

84      You can create your own dictionaries in Word.     
(A)True         (B)False

85      The spelling and grammar check can only be done once the text is selected.   (A)True         (B)False

86      You cannot use different page-numbering styles in different section of your document
(A)True         (B)False

87      In Excel you can indicate absolute references by a hash sign (#)
(A)True         (B)False

88      The View menu in Word is used to create header and footer.    
(A)True         (B)False

89      All conversations on the IRC are in English 
(A)True         (B)False

90      The Blank Web page template of Word contains pre-formatted or pre-designed options.       
(A)True         (B)False

91      "In Word, a new column inserted in a table retains the format of the column next to which it is inserted."         
(A)True         (B)False

92      It is always possible to shrink a document to one page.  
(A)True         (B)False
93      Styles can be used to generate a table of contents quickly in Word.     (A)True         (B)False

94      "In Word, the easiest way to resize a picture is by dragging its edges to match the size and shape you want."
(A)True         (B)False

95      Graphics cannot be placed in headers and footers in MS-Word.  
(A)True         (B)False

96      "From the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, you can only open an existing data source but cannot create a new one."     
(A)True         (B)False

97      "By default, Word will skip blank fields, so the merge is not affected if blank entries are in the data form."
(A)True         (B)False

98      "In Excel, standard width of a column is 18.43."   
(A)True         (B)False
99      "In Excel, pressing [Ctrl]+[Spacebar] select the entire row."     
(A)True         (B)False
100     "In Word, using [Ctrl]+[U] shortcut key(s) can underline the selected text."    
(A)True      (B)False


61=    FALSE    62=FALSE    63=    TRUE    64=    FALSE 65= FALSE   66=    FALSE    67=    FALSE    68=    FALSE    
69=   TRUE    70=    FALSE   71=    TRUE    72=    TRUE    
73=    FALSE    74=TRUE75=    FALSE   76=    FALSE    
77=    FALSE    78=    TRUE    79=    FALSE    80=    TRUE

81=    True    82=    False    83=    True   84=    False   85=    False   86=    True    87=    True    88=    True   89= True    90= False   
91=    False    92=    False    93=    False   94=    True    95=    True   96=    False     97=    True    98=    True    99=    True    100=   False 

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